Day 100 Thursday. Girls.

When Jay and I started thinking about having children 25 plus years ago, we knew we wanted boys. We both were raised loving and participating in sports, so we both wanted as many boys as God would allow.

As most know, God had a special plan for our boys. They played sports, were involved in scouts, school activities, but most of their time was spent at church. It wasn’t anything special we did as parents. It was just our way of life. If there was Sunday School, they went; children’s choir, they went; youth events, lock-ins, mission trips, summer trips, choir tours, you name it, they went.

I asked Trey when he entered middle school how he would feel about me teaching Sunday School. He didn’t care at all. Most kids would cringe if their parents were involved in any activity they were affiliated with. Not my boys.

I began teaching 6th grade girls (remember Andrea Lindsey?). So Andrea, whenever you were in 6th grade was when I stepped into the youth department at Germantown Baptist. I thought, I’ll just help and take roll. That’s not exactly what God had planned.

I began teaching 9th grade with Kerri Flowers. I fell in love. I fell for a group of girls struggling to find their way in a world with darts from Satan coming from every side. They became my girls.

Little did I know what God had in store for MY future! God would turn those I taught into young women of God who married Christian men and NOW having their own children. Jay and I have walked through many dark days and we have been covered in love by our girls on many occasions.

Last night I had dinner with three of my girls. Missed Leighton Newman Bond! Katie Beth Jordan (who just happened to marry Trey’s best friend, Cody) brought baby Hayes with her and I got to snuggle with one of the next generation of God’s little children.

After losing Trey, my heart was so empty. Each day these girls have filled our lives. They have included us in their walk with the Lord, getting married, many house moves, and having babies. We’ve laughed and we have definitely cried.

Last nights at dinner as we were joking about how I was determined to have boys, I received the most heart-warming compliment. Madison said, “You thought you wanted boys and now you have girls!”

Jay and I cannot express how much we love these little families. What a blessing to watch God grow their lives into so many dreams they have for their future, just like we did.

“Train up a child (or teenager) in the way she should go; even when she is old she will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6

Obviously I added teenager and changed the pronoun. It speaks to something I have mentioned many times. If you have the opportunity to invest in the lives of young people, do it! You WILL be blessed in abundance! Tomorrow night (Friday), Madison, Julianne and I will be together to worship with Natalie Grant. If you see me walking on clouds, this is why! Praising God with my girls…I can’t think of a better way to spend my Friday night!

Pictured Madison Young Korthoff, Me, Katie Beth Hopkins Jordan, and Julianne Shiles Snider